Latif Zeitouni
2019 Judge

Latif Zeitouni is a Lebanese academic and literary critic. He holds a French state doctorate in Literature and Human Sciences, focusing on Narratology, and a second PhD from St Joseph University, Beirut, in Linguistics and Translation. His published books include: The Translation Movement during the Arab Renaissance (1994), The Semiotics of Travel (in French, 1997), The Dictionary of Narratology (2002), The Arabic Novel: Structure and Narrative Metamorphosis (2012), and The Novel and Moral Values (2018). He has also translated two books into Arabic, Questions Générales de Littérature (General Literary Issues) by Emmanuel Fraisse and Bernard Mouralis (2004) and Les Problèmes Thériques de la Traduction (Theoretical Issues in Translation) by Georges Mounin (2013). His research has been published in a number of academic journals on linguistics, travel literature, translation, and in particular, theories of narration and the novel. He has served on numerous jury panels across the Arab world and currently teaches Narratology at the Lebanese American University in Beirut.